Thursday, May 2, 2013 Review!!!!!

So as I mentioned previously I ordered from 

I got 5 pairs of lenses (with one duplicate). 

In my previous post I mentioned that I was at first hesitant on ordering from them but I took a chance anyways and I'm glad I did.

The prices are slightly cheaper than and they provide free express shipping with purchases over $100.

They also provide you with the cute animal lens cases that Pinky Paradise also carries.

So without further to do I present to you my lenses.

First off can I just say how cute the packaging is?

Also I got a travel case with my order that comes when you spend $100 or more.

For reference this is how my eye normally looks (right) and how it looks with the contact (left)
The first color is Max Elegance Tri-Tone Blue and I must say that these lenses are huge!

Lens Type: Yearly
B.C.: 8.6
Diameter: 15
Water Content: 45%

These lenses are big but they are also really comfortable.  I wore these as my main lenses all weekend and they felt great.  My eyes became irritated after 14 hours of wear, but you're not suppose to wear them that long.

Next is Geo Bambi Chocolate (Princess Mimi) and these are also huge lenses.

Lens Type: Yearly
B.C.: 8.7
Diameter: 15
Water Content: 38%

I think they look much bigger than the Max Elegance because the color is darker but they also have such a pop to them that your eyes look like they sparkle.  These are definitely the lenses I will be wearing when I cosplay Yuki Cross.

Third is the Super Pinky Red Wine.  These lenses are great if you're looking for something different but not too flashy.

Lens Type: Yearly
B.C.: 8.6
Diameter: 14.8
Water Content: 45%

These lenses feel a bit firmer (less floppy) than the other lenses.  I liken the firmness to be similar to Ifax lenses or Pop C lenses.

They are comfortable for a good 12 hours before they really irritate me.  But I think the oddest thing is that when I wear them I kinda look like I'm high.  Maybe because my sclera isn't a bright white color but it does kinda make me seem like I have irritated eyes.  Overall though, for cosplay I will find good use for these.

Last, I have EOS Bubble Brown.

Lens Type: Yearly
B.C.: 8.6
Diameter: 14.8
Water Content: 38%

Bubble lenses are really comfortable on me and they give a great effect since they are so large yet lack a limbic ring.

This color of brown though also seems to make my eyes look red.  They are great for a  less dramatic eye look but I would not be able to go out with no make-up on and have them look well.

However, I think that these lenses are so cool and I can totally see them becoming a frequently used lens in my collection.  It's a good thing I got 2 pairs.

So overall I have to say I'm really satisfied with my order.  All of the lenses were very comfortable and my order was correct and immaculately packed.

There is one thing though, and that is I wished the site sold 30 day disposable lenses.  My friend was willing to go in on an order with me but she only wears 30 day lenses.  If they would offer 30 day lenses I think they would attract a lot more customers.

That is all for now.  I lamentably have work that needs to be done but am yet to be inspired to do it.

Anyways...... take care and live happy!     


  1. Great review, thanks for sharing it here !

    You look really great with circle lenses

    Just for your info. you can also check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty : )


  2. We appreciate that you are a big fan of circle lenses. We would like to invite you to join our Facebook circle lens community page and share your experiences wearing circle lenses. :)
