Monday, June 2, 2014

Lens Review: Revocon Spark Gray Color Contacts (Monthly)

Now for the other set of disposables I purchased.....

I have always found that monthly lenses tend to be more durable than dailies or weeklies.  So naturally I had to try these out.  Not to mention the Spark Gray pattern had some real potential.

I bought these lenses at, you can find the lenses here.

These lenses are also packaged in a blister pack and come in a fairly plain box.

What really interested me the most was the high water content of these lenses.  Would they make them more comfortable than the weekly lenses I got in the same order?

As it is packaged

In the case

With flash

In daylight
Lens Type: Monthly
Base Curve: 8.6
Diameter: 14.5
Water Content: 55%

Did you see that? Fifty-five percent water content!

Now while these lenses are 14.5 in diameter they honestly don't look any bigger than the 14.0 diameter ones.  The pattern is really pretty and once in they feel like nothing.  These are very wearable lenses and they look great even on dark eyes.  I didn't need to wear make up to balance them out.

I wore them all day and night with no irritation.  However, I did take a nap with them on (again, not recommended) and when I woke up my eyes felt drier than they did when I had the weekly lenses on.  Could this be due to the high water content?  I suppose that with a higher water content that when the lens dries out, it really dries out.  Eye drops totally remedied the dry eyes but it wasn't the most pleasant wake up experience.

Overall, these are great lenses but if I had to pick a disposable lens I think I would go with the NEO Dali lenses.  I find them ever-so-slightly more comfortable even though price per wear is slightly higher.  But I do find that I like to be able to wear lenses a week at a time and have a fresh pair ready for the next time I decide to wear weekly lenses.  That freedom makes up for the higher cost per wear.

I hope this was helpful, if there are any questions feel free to  ask an I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Have a great week and live happy!  

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